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Macy d et plus …

Trends 2017

In Macy we have launched the new chromatic trends for 2017, all included in our catalogue Trends 2017. New Colors, New Sensations”. A selection of exciting and lively, as well as quiet and relaxing colors.

In Macy we have launched the new chromatic trends for 2017, all included in our catalogue Trends 2017. New Colors, New Sensations”. A selection of exciting and lively, as well as quiet and relaxing colors.

Vintage Rose: this color is the highest expression of romanticism. The sweetest version of passion. An antique-like tonality which evokes a bunch of wild flowers. Vintage Rose conveys calm, tenderness, peace and relaxation. It is ideal for the decoration of baby rooms and even to provide a touch of boldness to the walls of your dining-room or to your working area.

Grey Trend: such a well-balanced and sophisticated color as it is, Grey Trend is a light version of grey which provides elegance and light to any space. It is elegant, peaceful and relaxing. It admits many and various chromatic combinations, therefore, it is perfect for the dining-room, the main bedroom and the working area.

Denim Blue: Denim Blue is one of those colors which never go out of fashion. It is versatile, quiet and elegant, as well as modern and striking. It is easy to integrate in the dining-room, in the bedroom, in the children rooms,… It gives you endless decorative possibilities and you will be able to transform your rooms into warm spaces, ideal to have a rest and break away from the exhausting work day.

Banana Split: inspired by the dessert of identical name, Banana Split is funny, sparkling, joyful and striking. With it, you can provide contrast wherever needed. It is a variety of yellow, energetic and lively, able to convey vitality. It arouses enthusiasm, enhance your moods, and it is perfect to fill your bedroom, living-room, bathroom or kitchen with light.

Greenery: We agree with Pantone. Greenery is a great color, essential in our catalogue Trends 2017. This fresh yellow-like green evokes the first days of spring. It is a sparkling and lively color which fills us with vitality and memories of our natural origins. Decorating with Greenery is a bet for balance. The key point lies on combining it with other colors in order to get elegant results.

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2024 · Macy Pinturas · Mentions Légales · Paramètres des cookies Conception et programmation: Grupo Enuno