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Macy Decoración y más

Thinking about giving your kitchen a new makeover?

With spring arrival you may feel like changing your home decoration.

Renovating clothing (cushions, curtains, quilts, etc.) or other decorative elements, can be a cheap option with amazing results. However, concerning the kitchen, we usually get shocked by the investment it would represent. Nothing could be further from the truth! Today, our section will be devoted to this aim:  how to renovate our kitchen with a low budget.

If cupboards are in good conditions, you do not need to change them. It is possible to update your kitchen furniture without replacing it. How? We suggest you our WATER-BASED ENAMELS.  Spring Green, Chinese Red or Royal Yellow may touch up your kitchen with a modern and striking finish. These colors are perfect to play with decoration, providing a joyful and modern look, fully updated.

The application of a water-based enamel is very simple. The surface must be free of grease and next, it must be sanded to acquire porosity. Then, apply our WATER-BASED MULTIADHERENT PRIMER. Finish the process by applying the selected color from our chart of water-based acrylic enamels.

We have chosen Spring Green, Chinese Red or Royal Yellow. If you are not fully convinced by them and you prefer something different you can’t find in our chart, in Pinturas Macy we can manufacture it for you thanks to our Instancolor system. Come to the nearest selling point and you will get the desired color on demand.

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2024 · Macy Pinturas · Aviso Legal · Configuración de Cookies Diseño y programación: Grupo Enuno