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A cookie is a small information file that is saved on your computer, "smartphone" or tablet each time you visit our website. Some cookies are ours and others belong to external companies that provide services for our website.

Cookies can be of various types: technical cookies are necessary for our website to function, they do not need your authorization and they are the only ones that we have activated by default. Therefore, they are the only cookies that will be active if you only press the ACCEPT button.

The rest of cookies are used to improve our page, to personalize it based on your preferences, or to be able to show you advertising tailored to your searches, tastes and personal interests. We have all of them deactivated by default, but you can activate them in our section COOKIES CONFIGURATION: take control and enjoy personalized navigation on our page, with a step as simple and fast as the marking of the boxes that you want .

If you want more information, consult the COOKIES POLICY of our website.

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Macy Decoración y más

Amarillo y azul, una combinación ideal

El azul y el amarillo son dos colores que combinan a la perfección y el resultado son estancias modernas y optimistas que abren la puerta a infinidad de posibilidades decorativas. Al ser dos colores opuestos en el círculo cromático, una decoración en amarillo y azul es una propuesta de contrastes estupenda para cualquier estancia de la casa, ya sea el dormitorio, el salón, la cocina o el baño.

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Pinturas Macy, S.A.

Ctra. Nacional 301, Km. 212,800

02630 La Roda (Albacete)

(0034) 967 44 07 12 · (0034) 967 44 00 16

Fax: (0034) 967 44 28 19
