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Yield to yellow

Summer is coming to its end, but warm weather will be with us still longer. This is the right moment to fill your house of optimistic and funny tonalities.  Add touches of color with good vibrations, able to cheer those depressed moods up. Here you have our proposal:  yield to yellow.

Yellow is an energizing, vibrant and daring color, with lovers and haters around it. It is controversial in its meanings too. On one hand, it’s a cheerful and positive color, on the other hand, it is related to selfishness and jealousy.

By now, you should already know the capacity of colors to transmit sensations and affect our emotions. At PINTURAS MACY we bet on yellow and all its versions. This is evidenced by the fact that BANANA SPLIT is one of the trend colors for 2017.

Inspired by the dessert of the same name, our BANANA SPLIT is funny, sparkling, lively and bold enough to provide contrast in our home decoration.

This variety of yellow is full of energy and good vibrations, to sum up, full of life. It encourages enthusiasm, improve our mood and it is perfect to provide a touch of brightness in a bedroom, in the dining-room, in the kitchen or in the bathroom.

We are enthusiastic of its versatility. In winter, it contributes with warmth, and in summer, its sparkling energy brings us holidays memories.

The key is balance.

Such a lively color should be used with restraint. The key is –as always- balance. Thus, we suggest you to include it in the decoration of common spaces through textile elements –as cushions- or decorative –as candles or vases-.

If you go for introducing yellow in your home decoration through big items –as the sofa or the chairs upholstery- or even putting it on the walls, we recommend you to paint with yellow just one wall, and to paint the rest  with white to avoid excess.

Combine yellow with other colors. Contrast will give your rooms balance, elegance and modernity. Decoration with yellow and blue or yellow and grey is always a sure bet.

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2024 · Macy Pinturas · Mentions Légales · Paramètres des cookies Conception et programmation: Grupo Enuno