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Macy d et plus …

Dark blue almost black, an ever trendy color

Present on the runway of the autumn/winter collections of 2017, blue is not an exclusive color for clothing. Integrated into your home decoration, it will provide calm, relax and sophistication.

It is the color of sky, water and peace. Cold and sober, but intense in the same degree. Decoration with blue creates a touch of zen in your home. On your furniture or on your walls, the darker version of blue will convey purity, serenity and strength.

Dark blue has become a must” for interior design inspiration, and it matches the different palettes of white, beige, grey and blue very harmoniously. We are specially delighted by the combination of blue with natural elements as wood, stone, plants… Balance and simplicity are guaranteed. 

Calm and stimulating

According to Feng Sui, blue is associated to water, and it is able to wake your imagination up and attract positive thinking… Painting your child’s room with this color will assure a peaceful rest and will stimulate the creativity of the kids.

You may prefer employing it to decorate the main bedroom, obtaining as result a restful place to sleep.

Dark blue, and dark blue almost black, can be integrated into your home decoration in different ways: walls, furniture, textiles,… It is ideal for bathrooms, the kitchen cupboards, the dining-room or bedrooms.

We are keen on contrasts and if you are ready to introduce this color in your home, we recommend you to paint an only wall of the dining-room, the bedroom or the hall. Suitably combined, your will enjoy a timeless proposal which will not go unnoticed.

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2024 · Macy Pinturas · Mentions Légales · Paramètres des cookies Conception et programmation: Grupo Enuno