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How to choose the right colors for your dining table this Christmas

As important as Christmas decoration for your home, so it is the decoration for your dining table.  Being rustic, minimal, modern or classic style, it is time to think how and with which colors you want to decorate your dining table this Christmas.

If you are the host, your relatives and friends are worth of a dining table up to the celebration. A perfect decoration of it, will make your dishes look so appealing that your guests will enjoy the event for sure.

Beyond table linens, cutlery, dinner service, wineglasses, glasses, and center pieces, we will focus on colors. Considering Christmas dining rooms are characterized by the great amount of items placed on them, our first rule would be not overdoing it.

At PINTURAS MACY, we support the idea of choosing one or two colors for the dinner table, depending on the tonality of the tablecloth. If it is light, it is obvious that the most suitable colors will be red and white, gold, green or beige.

A red and white decoration will provide a Scandinavian Christmas style. Leaves, candles and other natural elements may balance the results. 

If your decorative option is simpler, we recommend you to go for white and gold. It is the definite decorative trend for Christmas 2017 and a safe bet: nice, elegant and sophisticated.

Another possibility consists on adding red to white and gold, to add a lively and daring touch. For instance, you may combine a white dinner service with a gold cutlery, clear wineglasses and glasses and a candle as center piece. Anyone will remain indifferent to the results.

White, red and grey; white, grey and silver; white and wood; white and green; gold and green… There are endless possibilities.  Choose the tablecloth successfully. If it is plain, you may have more decorative options, and if it is with a print –as tartan- you may opt gold and white decoration.

Have you already decided your Christmas decorative style for your dining table?

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2024 · Macy Pinturas · Mentions Légales · Paramètres des cookies Conception et programmation: Grupo Enuno