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Macy Decoración y más

A warm, wintertime chromatic proposal

Being aware and convinced that inspiration lays everywhere, from Pinturas Macy we suggest different color schemes for your home decoration.

Seeing in advance how colors may be combined and visualizing how they fit in your home or in that space you have in mind, you will be able to save time having at your disposal a wide range of design possibilities, you may have never thought about.

This is exactly what we intend to at Pinturas Macy: every month a new color scheme will be proposed, taken from any inspiring visual sample around us.

On this occasion, we have a warm, wintertime chromatic proposal, where hues of white, ochre, sand and orange prevail. A nature-inspired portrayal which can convey peace, calm, serenity, … If this is what you are searching for your home, go for it!

The chromatic scheme we suggest is based on color 3020 Almondfrom our paint line Chromatic Whites, color TA-59from Tierras Antiguas, included in our line Decorative Effects Paint Tierras Antiguas,  414 Beigefrom our line Matt Decoration, 820 Henna from our line Macy Chalk and  VO-04 from Velours. 

Both Beige and Almond are light, neuter and timeless colors. They provide brightness and sensation of space, and they are perfect to paint the walls of any room in the house.

Orange, in its darker version, is a trendy color for the coldest months of the year. It is warm and transmits energy, joy and vitality.

Other darker colors, such as Henna, earthy colors and brown tonalities, are versatile, never out of date, and provide your rooms with coziness and elegance. When using them, take into account darker colors make spaces look smaller and diminish brightness.

If this is definitely your chromatic option for your home decoration, play with the different finishing possibilities at your disposal to transform your rooms into unique spaces with a remarkable personality.

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