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“Paint your life“ proves scientifically how painting makes us happier

The results of an experiment show how our brain gets a higher level of satisfaction, relax and happiness when painting.

In 2017, the Spanish Association of Paint Manufacturers (ASEFAPI), of which Pinturas Macy is a member, tasked the specialist Kantar Millward Brown with a research to know more about the painting habits of the Spanish population. The association meant to find out if people usually paint their homes or furniture, and which degree of effort they invest in that activity.

He compiled overwhelming results, and the conclusion is that painting implies nuisance and inconveniences for most of the Spanish population. According to this research, painting and all the tasks involved in it –choosing the colors, fixing the masking tape, etc.- become really bothering for most people, and consequently they avoid doing it.

In view of the results, ASEFAPI has launched the campaign Paint your life”. An enterprise to improve the perception of painting and to change Spanish population attitude towards this habit.

Painting life

Paint your life” becomes a communication campaign born with a clear objective: proving that painting is not such a nuisance, rather, it is quite the opposite. 

For that purpose, with the help of a group of scientists from the University of Santiago de Compostela and Tastelab – a laboratory specialized in sensory analysis, a real-life experimentation has been carried out. Thanks to a brain waves sensor, three scientists specialist in neuroscience, seven voluntaries and plenty of paint, have reached an astonishing conclusion.

Our brain gets a higher level of satisfaction, relax and happiness when painting. Thanks to this experiment we have learnt that during and after the task of painting we get relaxed, concentrated and satisfied. Definitely, painting help us be happier!

Here you will find the promotional video of the campaign to have a look at the complete experiment and get encouraged to: paint your life with Macy Paints!

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2024 · Macy Pinturas · Aviso Legal · Configuración de Cookies Diseño y programación: Grupo Enuno